Iranian inventors shine at INOVA 2022
Published: October 20, 2022

A team of Iranian inventors grabbed the gold medal at the 46th International Invention Show (INOVA 2022), which was held in Osijek, Croatia, on October 12-15.
The event was organized by the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA) and the World Invention Intellectual Property Associations (WIIPA).
Some one thousand teams from 40 countries, including Germany, the United States, Japan, China, South Korea, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, France, Singapore, Canada, Indonesia, and Iran participated in the INOVA competitions.
The Iranian team managed to win the gold medal in the category of advertising and tourism.
Iran ranks 11th in the world in the field of intellectual property, according to the World Intellectual Property Indicators 2021 report.
World Intellectual Property Indicators is an annual report published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), providing a wide range of indicators covering the areas of intellectual property. It draws on data from national and regional IP offices, the WIPO, the World Bank, and UNESCO. The WIPO has published the reports annually since 2009.
Iran ranks 21st for the number of patent applications, 3rd for trademarks, and 12th for industrial designs, which include applications and devices with innovation.
The intellectual property index includes “trademarks”, “patents”, “industrial designs”, “plant species protection”, and, “geographical indications.
Iran ranks 21st for the number of patent applications, 3rd for trademarks, and 12th for industrial designs.
In 2021, Iran ranked third in the world with 541,750 trademark registrations, and due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus, the growth of trademarks has grown very well.
Iran ranks third in trademark registration and 11th in the world in the registration of industrial designs, with a total of three indicators; in terms of all three indicators of trademarks, patents, and industrial designs, placed 8th in the world, while China, the United States, Germany and Japan top the list, respectively.
Variations in the patenting activity across countries reflect differences in the size and structure of their economies. It is therefore informative to examine resident patent activity with regard to variables such as population, research and development spending, and gross domestic product (GDP).
Over the past year, in order to realize a resilient and knowledge-based economy, the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology has implemented a series of activities to further develop the ecosystem of innovation and technology in the country.
Over 7,000 knowledge-based and 1,600 creative companies have so far been registered and started operations.
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei designated the current Iranian year (March 2022-March 2023) as “The Year of Production: Knowledge-Based and Job-Creating”. Strengthening knowledge-based companies are on the agenda, raising hope for reducing obstacles on the path to development.
In this regard, a strategic technology development headquarters was formed and 362,000 technological projects and 154 commercialization projects were supported, in addition to the inauguration of 23 national mega projects.
Moreover, in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem development, 65 creative houses and innovation centers, and 30 specialized accelerators have been established with the aim of empowering and strengthening the export capacity of knowledge-based, creative, and technological companies. /T.T/