February 7, 2025


Knowledge-based firms showcase latest products in “Coronatech 2020”

Published: June 18, 2020 


More than 50 knowledge-based companies and startups put their latest products and achievements to the public view at an exhibition entitled “Surge in Production and Achievements in Fight against Coronavirus” entitled “Coronatech 2020” on Saturday.

At the initiative taken by the Vie-Presidency for Science and Technology, the exhibition of “Coronatech 2020” kicked off its work at Tehran Permanent International Fairgrounds today.

Accordingly, knowledge-based companies and startups displayed their latest achievements at the exhibition of “Coronatech 2020” in the group of medical equipment, coronavirus diagnostic kits, raw materials of producing face masks, personal protection products, disinfectants [consumables and equipment] in the fight against COVID-19.

Companies producing homegrown coronavirus diagnostic kit, COVID-19, also participated in this exhibition.

This exhibition of “Coronatech 2020” will run for three days.