Iran taekwondokas crowned at Turkey Open 2023–G2
Published: July 11, 2023

Iranian taekwondo practitioners snatched seven colorful medals to become first at the Turkey Open 2023–G2. Iranian men national squad won 4 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze medals and became champion at the Turkey Open 2023–G2.
Mehdi Haji Musaei (weight -54 kg), Abolfazl Zandi (-58 kg), Mateen Rezaei (-63 kg), and Arian Salimi (- 87 kg) received gold medals in the sporting event.
Other Iranian fighters Mehran Barkhordari (- 80 kg) and Abulfazl Abbasi (+ 87 kg) won silver medals, while Erfan Bozorghi (-68 kg) gained the bronze medal in the tournament.
Bizhan Moghanlou led the men’s teams at the tournament.
The Turkish Open Taekwondo Tournament was held in Ankara, Turkey on July 06-09, 2023. /MNA/