February 7, 2025


Khwarazmi; influential figure in algebra

Published: July 17, 2023 


Muḥammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, better known as Khwarazmi, is a Muslim Iranian mathematician and astronomer whose major works introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals and the concepts of algebra into European mathematics.

Tir 22nd in the Iranian calendar (July 13th) marks a Commemoration Day of Kharazmi, also known as Information Technology Day.

Al-Khwārizmī (770-840 C.E) is famous for his mathematical works, which introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals and algebra to European mathematicians. In fact, the words algorithm and algebra come from his name and the title of one of his works, respectively, Britannica reported.

The figure became famous for his mathematical works. He wrote a book on algebra from whose title the word algebra is derived, and he wrote a book on calculation that introduced to Europe the Hindu-Arabic numerals and how to do arithmetic with them, the encyclopedia added.

The mathematician’s major accomplishments were the books he wrote on mathematics and science. His mathematical books introduced the ideas of algebra and Hindu-Arabic numerals to Western mathematicians during the Middle Ages. His scientific works concerned geography and astronomy, the source added.

In the 12th century, a second work by the scientist introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals and their arithmetic to the West. It is preserved only in a Latin translation, Algoritmi de numero Indorum (“Al-Khwārizmī Concerning the Hindu Art of Reckoning”). The name of the author, rendered in Latin as Algoritmi, originated the term algorithm.

UNESCO chose the year 1983 corresponding to 1362 AH as the 1500th year of Khwarazmi’s demise.

The cultural body asked the member states to commemorate Khwarazmi, the founder of Algebra, and hold a commemoration ceremony for him.

Khwarizmi International Award

Every year, various events are held to commemorate the occasion. International Khwarazmi Festival is one of the prestigious events in Iran.

The festival aims at encouraging entrepreneurship, identifying innovators and technologists of the country, supporting the winners of the festival, and providing a suitable platform for scientific and technological cooperation at the global level. Submitted designs are evaluated and reviewed in sixteen specialized teams with five criteria.

In 1987, the leading Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), affiliated with the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, decided to institute an award, which acknowledges the Iranian outstanding achievements in science and technology.

Khwarazmi; influential figure in algebra

IROST proposed the creation of the Khwarizmi Award in memory of Abu Jafar Mohammad Ibn Mousa Khwarizmi, the great Iranian Mathematician, and Astronomer.

The International Kharazmi Festival launched its national programs in 1987 and its international edition in 1992.

The Festival is an opportunity for both Iranian and foreign participants to put their scientific achievements on display.

The prestigious event is dedicated to recognizing outstanding scientific achievements made by researchers, inventors, and innovators worldwide.

The executive process of this festival in five competitive sections includes domestic projects, foreign projects, projects of Iranians living abroad, selected successful projects in national production, commercialized projects from the previous award winners, and special awards (to honor Iranian intellectuals and scientists). /MNA/

Reported by Tohid Mahmoudpour